You will no longer have any questions you can't solve. Ask questions that you can't solve with For exam pal, and they will be answered.
For candidates preparing for KPSS, YKS, LGS, ALES, DGS and YDS, it is now very easy to solve the exam questions and reach the solution by going through different ways. You can take a photo of the problem you have in mind and share it, and you can exchange information with other candidates on the solutions and answers.
With the For exam pal application, Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS), Higher Education Institutions Exam (TYT-AYT-YDT), High School Entrance Exam (LGS), Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Entrance Exam (ALES), Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) and Foreign You can prepare for the Language Exams (YDS-YÖKDİL) in the best way possible.
In our application, on the platforms reserved for each exam, only the questions shared about that exam will appear. You can follow up with other users who are preparing for the exam, and you can travel together during the exam process.
While preparing for the exam, you can instantly take a photo of a question that comes to your mind and share it in the application, and you will be able to complete the missing topics in this way.
In addition to the exam category, with the course and subject filtering features, only the questions you want to see will appear and you will prepare for the exam together with the candidates you take the same exam.
It is now very easy to see different question styles and access questions from other candidates' resources. By downloading the For exam pal application, you can prepare for the exam more effectively, more successfully and in a versatile way.